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The offered lectures revolve around wellbeing-related matters commonly encountered by both individuals and organizations. The purpose of these lectures is to highlight the neuroscience behind these topics and propose practical and accessible solutions that are based on a thorough understanding of the physiology of our brain and body. 

The nature of habits

From an evolutionary perspective, success means effectively adapting to changes. However, adaptation means both learning and re-learning, which can be difficult to achieve. By understanding how our brain learns, and not less important, how it forgets, we can better create habits that support our ability to adapt and develop. In this lecture, I will describe what happens in our brain when we learn new things, and how understanding this can help us change undesired habits.

The neurophysiology of emotions

Our emotions are inseparable from every aspect of our lives. Moreover, at times it seems that it is our emotions that control us, and we are only responding to them. In this lecture I will discuss what emotions are, and how are they different from feelings. We will go through how emotions are produced in our brain and what can we do to feel more in control over them.

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The neuroscience of social interactions

From birth to death, we are surrounded by countless individuals, each with a unique connection to our lives. The connection we have with our parents is different than with our siblings, and this one is different than our friends, and so on. In this lecture, I will go into the ways our brain process social information and tune our behavior according to the social situation. We will discuss how social information is processed in our brain and will use the sense of smell as an example of how our environment affects our behaviour in both conscious and unconscious ways.

The physiology of mind-body practices

when it comes to mental well-being, we are all familiar with different approaches to support our mental health, like meditation, Yoga, physical activity, and more. In this lecture, I will dive into how such practices change the physiology of our body and brain, and by that change our behavior. By understanding the biological mechanisms of these interventions we can better tune them to our lives, making them more accessible and practical.

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